Bank Negara Indonesia's role as the circulation and central bank was duly terminated in 1949 following the government's appointment of the former Dutch-controlled bank, De Javasche Bank, as Indonesia's Central Bank.
The Bank, subsequently designated as a development bank, was later granted the rights to provide foreign reserve services that allowedit access to direct foreign transactions. We are currently seeking suitable candidates for the following position:
IT Development Program
Persyaratan :
The Bank, subsequently designated as a development bank, was later granted the rights to provide foreign reserve services that allowedit access to direct foreign transactions. We are currently seeking suitable candidates for the following position:
IT Development Program
Persyaratan :
- Lulusan minimal S1 dari Teknik Komputer/Teknik Informatika/Teknik Elektro/Statistik/Teknik Industri/Ilmu Komputer/Elektronika/Teknik Fisika/Matematika dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta yang terkemuka capable di bidang IT.
- Syarat IPK yaitu : PTN minimal 2,75; PTS minimal 3,00
- Menguasai minimal salah satu bahasa pemrograman : Cobol, C++, Java, MS Dot Net, PHP, Web, MS SQL Server, Platform UNIX (AIX, Solaris, Linux), TACL, PHP, SAS, PL SQL.
- Pengalaman kerja programming minimal 1 tahun.
- Nilai tambah bagi yang menguasai : Development Tools, OS Platform UNIX (AIX, Solaris, Linux)/OS Windows Server/Data Base Oracle/SQL Server atau mengerti konsep TCPIP/Management Data Base/Project Management Tools
- Menguasai Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif
- Usia maksimal 28 tahun
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani
Masukkan lamaran anda, lampiran surat lamaran, CV dan dokumen-dokumen lain yang diperlukan (sertifikat, ijazah yang dilegalisir dll) melalui email ke:hrdtek(at) paling lambat 12 April 2013
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