This company is engaged in the Television Audience Research
Address: JL.Jend.Sudirman Kav.28 Ged.Mayapada Tower lt.17 Jakarta Selatan 12920
No. Tel. : 021-5212200 Ekt.329
Vacancy for:
1. Client Service Executive Trainee (CS)
2. Tam Field Officer (TFO)
3. Data Entry TV Monotoring ( DE)
Work Location: South Jakarta
1. Client Service Executive Trainee (CS)
S-1 from reputable universities (Statistics & Mathematics).
Minimum 1 year experience in multinational environment.
Familiar with the Media Industry, particularly the television industry.
Basic knowledge of statistics.
Entry level knowledge of research techniques and methodologies.
2. Tarn Field Officer (TFO)
Minimal Technology Vocational School Graduates / STM Programs Audio Video / Electronics.
Maximum age 28 years.
Skilled in terms of installation, setting the equipment, maintenance and repair of equipment
audio video.
Willing to work in the field.
Having good communication skills and able to work together in teams.
Able to work under pressure.
3. Data Entry TV Monitoring
Minimal D-3 from all majors.
Male / Female, Age Maximum 28 years.
Willing to work within the rules shift.
Have the skills to operate a computer.
Having good communication skills (flexible and persuasive) and able to work together in teams.
Preferably capable of conducting interviews with both
Send complete application and CV via the POS / Email to:
HRD PT. AGB Nielsen Media Research
Jl.Jend.Sudirman Kav.28 Gedung.Mayapada Tower Lt.17 Jak-Sel
Or via email to: dwi.yuni @ /
Include in the letter of application, you get this job vacancy information on how and from which source (from what website or what newspapers or anything else).
This job was closed on July 11, 2010
Informasi Lowongan Kerja Di Indonesia Untuk Fresh Graduate Ataupun Yang Berpengalaman | CPNS | PNS
25 Mei 2010
PT. AGB Nielsen Media Research
Info Lowongan Kerja
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