Sebuah Perusahaan Agribisnis (Kelapa Sawit) yang sedang berkembang pesat, dalam rangka mengisi kebutuhan tenaga di Kebun dan Pabrik Kelapa Sawit, membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang dinamis, menyukai tantangan, senang kerja
lapangan, memiliki kemampuan kontrol lapangan dan sanggup bekerja keras.
1. Askep Pabrik Kelapa Sawit (Askep)
1. S1 Teknik, 2. mempunyai pengalaman minial 2 tahun di posisi yang sama, 3. menguasai operasional
pabrik kelapa sawit. 4. Usia maks. 40 tahun.
2. Asisten Kebun (AK)
1. S1 Pertanian (Agronomi, HPT, Ilmu Tanah) / Kehutanan (Budidaya Kehutanan, Manajemen
Hutan), 2. menguasai kultur budidaya sawit (rawat-panen), diutamakan punya pengalaman PKL
di perkebunan kelapa sawit. 3.Usia maks 30 tahun.
3. Asisten Teknik (AT)
1. S1 Tek. Mesin/ Sipil/ Teknik Pertanian, 2. usia maks. 30 tahun.
4. Asisten Personalia & Umum (APU)
1. S1 semua jurusan, 2. diutamakan mempunyai pengalaman dalam bidang personalia dan umum
3. usia maks 27 th.
5. Management Trainee (MT)
1. S1 Ekonomi (Managemen/ Akuntansi), 2. mengetahui dasar-dasar akuntansi, 3. usia maks 27 tahun.
6. Kepala Konservasi (KK)
1. S1 Kehutanan, pengalaman 3 tahun di bidang Sustainable Forest Management, 2. dapat melakukan gap analysis, memahami dan dapat mengimplementasikan standarisasi ISO 14001, 3. memahami kriteria penilaian PROPER AMDAL, Forest Stewardship Council Standard (FSC), 4. Lembaga Ekolabel Indonesia (LEI). 5. Usia maks. 40 tahun.
Surat lamaran berserta CV, transkrip nilai pendidikan terakhir, pas foto 4X6 (2 lembar), referensi kerja, sertifikat kursus, gaji terakhir dan yang diharapkan,
serta nomor telepon dikirim ke :
Lamaran paling lambat diterima tanggal 8 MEI 2009
Cantumkan kode jabatan pada bagian kiri atas amplop lamaran.
Posisi: Askep, AK, AT, APU, MT, KK
1. No. 1-6 : Laki-laki
2. No. 1-6 : Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif
3. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
4. No. 1-6 :Bersedia ditempatkan di pedalaman Kaltim/ Kalteng (areal perkebunan)
5. Mempunyai kemampuan leadership yang tinggi, mental yang kuat, dan komunikasi yang baik.
Masa Lowongan: 28-April-2009 s/d 08-Mei-2009
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
Informasi Lowongan Kerja Di Indonesia Untuk Fresh Graduate Ataupun Yang Berpengalaman | CPNS | PNS
30 April 2009
Lowongan Kerja Guru
PROSPEK INSAN MANDIRI, adalah Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar yang sedang berkembang di Bogor. PIM telah mampu membantu memaksimalkan kemampuan siswa-siswinya menjadi siswa yang berprestasi di sekolah.
Tingkat /Kode/Bidang Studi
SD / GT D/ UMUM (menguasai semua mata pelajaran)
SMP / GT P/IPA terpadu, Matematika
SMA / GT A / Fisika, Ekonomi, Kimia, Matematika
Jika anda adalah seorang yang ingin memajukan kualitas SDM Indonesia dan mencintai dunia pendidikan dengan sepenuh hati, bergabung bersama PIM.
Kirimkan lamaran, disertai dengan copi ijazah terakhir, transkrip, 2 lembar pas photo berwarna ukuran 3x4 dan fotocopy identitas.
Cantumkan kode disudut kiri atas amplop. Kirimkan lamaran anda sebelum tanggal 30 Mei 2009 ke alamat :
TELP. 0251-8363033
Catatan :
Ikuti terus kelanjutan informasi rekrutmen Guru Tetap (GT) PIM di website PIM
Posisi: GURU TETAP (kode : GT)
1) Lulusan S1 semua jurusan
2) IPK min. 2.75
3) Memiliki pengalaman mengajar (diutamakan)
4) Komunikatif, displin, bertanggungjawab
Masa Lowongan: 27-April-2009 s/d 30-Mei-2009
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
PROSPEK INSAN MANDIRI, adalah Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar yang sedang berkembang di Bogor. PIM telah mampu membantu memaksimalkan kemampuan siswa-siswinya menjadi siswa yang berprestasi di sekolah.
Tingkat /Kode/Bidang Studi
SD / GT D/ UMUM (menguasai semua mata pelajaran)
SMP / GT P/IPA terpadu, Matematika
SMA / GT A / Fisika, Ekonomi, Kimia, Matematika
Jika anda adalah seorang yang ingin memajukan kualitas SDM Indonesia dan mencintai dunia pendidikan dengan sepenuh hati, bergabung bersama PIM.
Kirimkan lamaran, disertai dengan copi ijazah terakhir, transkrip, 2 lembar pas photo berwarna ukuran 3x4 dan fotocopy identitas.
Cantumkan kode disudut kiri atas amplop. Kirimkan lamaran anda sebelum tanggal 30 Mei 2009 ke alamat :
TELP. 0251-8363033
Catatan :
Ikuti terus kelanjutan informasi rekrutmen Guru Tetap (GT) PIM di website PIM
Posisi: GURU TETAP (kode : GT)
1) Lulusan S1 semua jurusan
2) IPK min. 2.75
3) Memiliki pengalaman mengajar (diutamakan)
4) Komunikatif, displin, bertanggungjawab
Masa Lowongan: 27-April-2009 s/d 30-Mei-2009
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
29 April 2009
Pengumuman Rekruitment Depkeu Bagi Lulusan SMA/SMK
Pengumuman Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru D-I Bea Cukai Crash Program 2009
Ditulis pada 14 April 2009
Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan Departemen Keuangan Republik Indonesia mengumumkan bahwa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pegawal di lingkungan Departemen Keuangan Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) pada Tahun Akademik 2009 akan menyelenggarakan Ujian Saringan Masuk (USM) Khusus untuk Program Diploma I Keuangan Spesialisasi Kepabeanan dan Cukai
Info Lengkap Download File Pengumuman download here"
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
Ditulis pada 14 April 2009
Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan Departemen Keuangan Republik Indonesia mengumumkan bahwa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pegawal di lingkungan Departemen Keuangan Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) pada Tahun Akademik 2009 akan menyelenggarakan Ujian Saringan Masuk (USM) Khusus untuk Program Diploma I Keuangan Spesialisasi Kepabeanan dan Cukai
Info Lengkap Download File Pengumuman download here"
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
28 April 2009
Lowongan Kerja PT Pelita Samudera Shipping
Posting From: Dini
Job Vacancy
> We are Multinational Shipping Company in Jakarta, currently
> seeking Temporary Accounting Staff (6 Months).
> Job description is handling daily journal activity.
> Qualification:
> • Female, aged
> 24 – 30 years
> •
> Diploma/Bachelor Degree majoring in Accounting
> • Having 1 – 2
> years experience as Accounting Staff
> • Knowledge
> of Finance and Accounting, and cost control principle
> especially Generally Accepted Accounting Principle
> • Willingness to
> work with flexible schedule
> If you meet with the requirements above, please send your
> resume and application letter to
> or send to : PT Pelita Samudera Shipping
> Attention: HR Department
> Ario Bimo Sentral 11th Floor
> Jl. Rasuna Said Blok X-2 Kav.5
> Jakarta Selatan- 12950
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
Posting From: Dini
Job Vacancy
> We are Multinational Shipping Company in Jakarta, currently
> seeking Temporary Accounting Staff (6 Months).
> Job description is handling daily journal activity.
> Qualification:
> • Female, aged
> 24 – 30 years
> •
> Diploma/Bachelor Degree majoring in Accounting
> • Having 1 – 2
> years experience as Accounting Staff
> • Knowledge
> of Finance and Accounting, and cost control principle
> especially Generally Accepted Accounting Principle
> • Willingness to
> work with flexible schedule
> If you meet with the requirements above, please send your
> resume and application letter to
> or send to : PT Pelita Samudera Shipping
> Attention: HR Department
> Ario Bimo Sentral 11th Floor
> Jl. Rasuna Said Blok X-2 Kav.5
> Jakarta Selatan- 12950
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
Lowongan Kerja INDOMARET
Perusahaan Retail berskala nasional mencari tenaga kerja professional untuk menempati berbagai posisi sebagai berikut :
- Pria, usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Lulusan S1 dari berbagai macam jurusan IPK > 2,75
- Bersedia ditempatkan di kita-kota besar di Indonesia
- pria, usia 25-30 tahun
- sarjana S1 lulusan fakultas seni rupa & design/arsitektur
- pengalaman minimal 1-2 tahun di bidang perencanaan interior bangunan retail, ruang public, office dan design furniture
- menguasai autocad/varicad, 3D max/ 3D studio, excel, word
- mempunyai SIM A & C
- bertempat tinggal di daerah Jabodetabek
- Mandiri, mau bekerja keras dan dapat bekerja sama dalam tim
- pria, usia 20-25 tahun
- lulusan SMK (STM) bangunan/D3 sipil/D3 Design
- menguasai autocad/varicad/coreldraw/photoshop/freehand
- mempunyai SIM C
- bertempat tinggal di daerah Jabodetabek
- Mandiri, mau bekerja keras dan dapat bekerja sama dalam tim
- Pria, usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Lulusan D3 akuntansi / pajak
- Lebih diutamakan ada brevet A & B
Lamaran dikirim dilengakapi dengan pas foto 4x6 curriculum vitae ditujukan :
Human Resources Development
Jl. Ancol 1 no 9-10 ancol Barat, Jakarta Utara-14430
PO BOX 2859 JKT 10001
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
Perusahaan Retail berskala nasional mencari tenaga kerja professional untuk menempati berbagai posisi sebagai berikut :
- Pria, usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Lulusan S1 dari berbagai macam jurusan IPK > 2,75
- Bersedia ditempatkan di kita-kota besar di Indonesia
- pria, usia 25-30 tahun
- sarjana S1 lulusan fakultas seni rupa & design/arsitektur
- pengalaman minimal 1-2 tahun di bidang perencanaan interior bangunan retail, ruang public, office dan design furniture
- menguasai autocad/varicad, 3D max/ 3D studio, excel, word
- mempunyai SIM A & C
- bertempat tinggal di daerah Jabodetabek
- Mandiri, mau bekerja keras dan dapat bekerja sama dalam tim
- pria, usia 20-25 tahun
- lulusan SMK (STM) bangunan/D3 sipil/D3 Design
- menguasai autocad/varicad/coreldraw/photoshop/freehand
- mempunyai SIM C
- bertempat tinggal di daerah Jabodetabek
- Mandiri, mau bekerja keras dan dapat bekerja sama dalam tim
- Pria, usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Lulusan D3 akuntansi / pajak
- Lebih diutamakan ada brevet A & B
Lamaran dikirim dilengakapi dengan pas foto 4x6 curriculum vitae ditujukan :
Human Resources Development
Jl. Ancol 1 no 9-10 ancol Barat, Jakarta Utara-14430
PO BOX 2859 JKT 10001
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
27 April 2009
Lowongan Kerja Fresh Graduated in Mining Company
(Urgently Needed) Fresh Graduated for Mining Company
We are a leading regional integrated mining company for more than 17 years. To support our expansion, we urgently require qualified, professional and highly motivated candidates to join our winning team for the following positions: FRESH GRAUDATED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (FGDP) with the main requirement as follows
1. Bachelor Degree of Mining Engineering - (FGDP-OPR)
2. Bachelor Degree of Geology - (FGDP-OPR)
3. Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering - (FGDP-P&M)
4. Bachelor or Diploma Degree of Occupational and Safety Health - (FGDP-HSE)
All candidates must have following criteria :
a. Male, 21 – 25 years old with excellent health.
b. No more than 1 year of working experience.
c. Willingness to be positioned in remote area (East & South Kalimantan).
1. Computer literacy and proficiency in written and spoken English.
2. Good interpersonal skills and team player.
3. Good in analyzing, arranging and organizing.
4. Highly motivated and hard working under pressures.
5. Ability to work in a cross-cultural environment.
We offer career opportunities, a dynamic working environment and excellent salary packages for top candidates. Should you meet those criteria, please send your application with a comprehensive resume, a recent photograph, copies of academic certificate & supporting documents within a week after this advertisement and kindly state the position you apply for at the e-mail subject to : recruitment@ (recruitment at - http://www.ptdh.
The whole recruitment process will be held in Jakarta . ONLY shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further process.
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
(Urgently Needed) Fresh Graduated for Mining Company
We are a leading regional integrated mining company for more than 17 years. To support our expansion, we urgently require qualified, professional and highly motivated candidates to join our winning team for the following positions: FRESH GRAUDATED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (FGDP) with the main requirement as follows
1. Bachelor Degree of Mining Engineering - (FGDP-OPR)
2. Bachelor Degree of Geology - (FGDP-OPR)
3. Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering - (FGDP-P&M)
4. Bachelor or Diploma Degree of Occupational and Safety Health - (FGDP-HSE)
All candidates must have following criteria :
a. Male, 21 – 25 years old with excellent health.
b. No more than 1 year of working experience.
c. Willingness to be positioned in remote area (East & South Kalimantan).
1. Computer literacy and proficiency in written and spoken English.
2. Good interpersonal skills and team player.
3. Good in analyzing, arranging and organizing.
4. Highly motivated and hard working under pressures.
5. Ability to work in a cross-cultural environment.
We offer career opportunities, a dynamic working environment and excellent salary packages for top candidates. Should you meet those criteria, please send your application with a comprehensive resume, a recent photograph, copies of academic certificate & supporting documents within a week after this advertisement and kindly state the position you apply for at the e-mail subject to : recruitment@ (recruitment at - http://www.ptdh.
The whole recruitment process will be held in Jakarta . ONLY shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further process.
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
26 April 2009
The ASEAN secretariat in Jakarta invites all ASEAN nationals to apply for the following position
As a dynamic region with a population of more than 575 million that aims to live in peace and share prosperity, the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) has embarked on an initiative to build an ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The AEC is envisioned as a competitive economic region well integrated into the global economy, having equitable economic development, and serving as single market and production base.
In the implementation of the various economic agreements constituting the architecture of the AEC, ASEAN Member States prescribe to the AEC Blueprint and are supported by the Government of Australia through the ASEAN-Australia Development Cooperation Program (AADCP) II.
The ASEAN Secretariat is seeking qualified candidates to fill the vacancy post of AADCP II Program Officer to provide technical and administrative support to the AADCP II and ASEAN Secretariat for the coordination and management of AADCP II activities.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Provide technical and operational support to AADCP II Program Director through the Program Coordinator.
Provide technical support to the Program Coordinator in the development of AADCP II Work Plan.
Provide technical and management support for the implementation of activities related to ASEAN Economic Community Support and ASEC Institutional Capacity Development, which includes:
Facilitate meetings among ASEC key personnel and AADCP II Management Support Team on the initial stage of the activities and further steps to be undertaken;
Assist relevant ASEC desk officers in the preparation stage of the activities i.e. development of project terms of reference, project costing, procurement, proposal review, contracting, etc;
Provide guidelines for the selected consultants/organisations in consultation with relevant ASEC desk officers prior to the commencement of the activities;
Coordinate and liaise with the selected consultants/organisations to conduct their tasks, monitor progress of the tasks, development of reports and its finalisation which may involve proofing, redrafting, assessing progress against project milestones (inception, draft, and final reports);
Facilitate workshops/seminars and other appropriate events in coordination with relevant ASEC desk officers and consultants to support the dissemination of AADCP II related activities and findings;
Summarise and record report assessments/evaluations by ASEC and AusAID.
4. Maintain appropriate and consolidated electronic and hard copy records of documents related to AADCP II activities.
5. Provide technical support in the preparation of AADCP II Progress Reports and Completion Reports.
6. Provide technical support for the follow-up of the previous activities of AADCP Transition Phase as recommended by AADCP management support team.
7. Draft minutes of meeting when necessary.
8. Other tasks at the request of the Program Director and Program Coordinator, as appropriate.
Masters Degree in Economics, International Development, Development Studies or a related field from a reputable institution.
Demonstrated Programme and project management skills, including in formulation and design, and management and reporting on project and programme activities.
Strong analytical and problem solving skills in a complex organisational environment and in work planning.
Excellent command of English, sound oral and written communication skills as well as strong interpersonal skills in cross-cultural environment and international settings.
Proven ability to work independently as well as in a team in a multicultural environment.
Able to perform coordination tasks, undertake multiple assignments, and work irregular and long hours.
Proficient in standard computer applications, particularly Microsoft Office tools and internet application.
Sound knowledge about ASEAN including ASEAN Charter, ASEAN Economic Community, and related issues.
A minimum of six years relevant work experience in multinational organisations.
Able to travel as required.
General qualifications:
Competency in computer skills with adequate knowledge of Microsoft Office and Outlook where relevant to the position; ability to multi-task, work long and irregular hours, perform outside the usual job scope and ability to function effectively independently and as part of a team.
Remuneration and Benefits:
Selected candidate would initially be contracted for two (2) years, subject to annual renewal and an initial 6-month probation period. An attractive salary ranging from USD2,900 to USD3,800 will be negotiated commensurate with experience and qualification. There are other applicable benefits, which include outpatient medical reimbursement and hospitalization insurance.
How to apply:
Send your application highlighting your suitability and potential contribution to the position together with a detailed CV, including a recent passport-sized photograph and certified true copies of educational certificates obtained to the Personnel and Training Unit, ASEAN Secretariat, 70A Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Jakarta 12110. You can also email your application to:
Please indicate on the subject heading: Application for AADCP II PROGRAM OFFICER.
Application papers should reach the ASEAN Secretariat by 4 May 2009.
The Selection Committee’s decision is final and only short listed candidates will be notified.
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
The ASEAN secretariat in Jakarta invites all ASEAN nationals to apply for the following position
As a dynamic region with a population of more than 575 million that aims to live in peace and share prosperity, the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) has embarked on an initiative to build an ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The AEC is envisioned as a competitive economic region well integrated into the global economy, having equitable economic development, and serving as single market and production base.
In the implementation of the various economic agreements constituting the architecture of the AEC, ASEAN Member States prescribe to the AEC Blueprint and are supported by the Government of Australia through the ASEAN-Australia Development Cooperation Program (AADCP) II.
The ASEAN Secretariat is seeking qualified candidates to fill the vacancy post of AADCP II Program Officer to provide technical and administrative support to the AADCP II and ASEAN Secretariat for the coordination and management of AADCP II activities.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Provide technical and operational support to AADCP II Program Director through the Program Coordinator.
Provide technical support to the Program Coordinator in the development of AADCP II Work Plan.
Provide technical and management support for the implementation of activities related to ASEAN Economic Community Support and ASEC Institutional Capacity Development, which includes:
Facilitate meetings among ASEC key personnel and AADCP II Management Support Team on the initial stage of the activities and further steps to be undertaken;
Assist relevant ASEC desk officers in the preparation stage of the activities i.e. development of project terms of reference, project costing, procurement, proposal review, contracting, etc;
Provide guidelines for the selected consultants/organisations in consultation with relevant ASEC desk officers prior to the commencement of the activities;
Coordinate and liaise with the selected consultants/organisations to conduct their tasks, monitor progress of the tasks, development of reports and its finalisation which may involve proofing, redrafting, assessing progress against project milestones (inception, draft, and final reports);
Facilitate workshops/seminars and other appropriate events in coordination with relevant ASEC desk officers and consultants to support the dissemination of AADCP II related activities and findings;
Summarise and record report assessments/evaluations by ASEC and AusAID.
4. Maintain appropriate and consolidated electronic and hard copy records of documents related to AADCP II activities.
5. Provide technical support in the preparation of AADCP II Progress Reports and Completion Reports.
6. Provide technical support for the follow-up of the previous activities of AADCP Transition Phase as recommended by AADCP management support team.
7. Draft minutes of meeting when necessary.
8. Other tasks at the request of the Program Director and Program Coordinator, as appropriate.
Masters Degree in Economics, International Development, Development Studies or a related field from a reputable institution.
Demonstrated Programme and project management skills, including in formulation and design, and management and reporting on project and programme activities.
Strong analytical and problem solving skills in a complex organisational environment and in work planning.
Excellent command of English, sound oral and written communication skills as well as strong interpersonal skills in cross-cultural environment and international settings.
Proven ability to work independently as well as in a team in a multicultural environment.
Able to perform coordination tasks, undertake multiple assignments, and work irregular and long hours.
Proficient in standard computer applications, particularly Microsoft Office tools and internet application.
Sound knowledge about ASEAN including ASEAN Charter, ASEAN Economic Community, and related issues.
A minimum of six years relevant work experience in multinational organisations.
Able to travel as required.
General qualifications:
Competency in computer skills with adequate knowledge of Microsoft Office and Outlook where relevant to the position; ability to multi-task, work long and irregular hours, perform outside the usual job scope and ability to function effectively independently and as part of a team.
Remuneration and Benefits:
Selected candidate would initially be contracted for two (2) years, subject to annual renewal and an initial 6-month probation period. An attractive salary ranging from USD2,900 to USD3,800 will be negotiated commensurate with experience and qualification. There are other applicable benefits, which include outpatient medical reimbursement and hospitalization insurance.
How to apply:
Send your application highlighting your suitability and potential contribution to the position together with a detailed CV, including a recent passport-sized photograph and certified true copies of educational certificates obtained to the Personnel and Training Unit, ASEAN Secretariat, 70A Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Jakarta 12110. You can also email your application to:
Please indicate on the subject heading: Application for AADCP II PROGRAM OFFICER.
Application papers should reach the ASEAN Secretariat by 4 May 2009.
The Selection Committee’s decision is final and only short listed candidates will be notified.
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
Lowongan Kerja ASEAN Secretariat
The ASEAN secretariat in Jakarta invites ASEAN nationals to apply for the following vacancy
With the ratification of the ASEAN Charter in December 2008, the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC) had embarked on an organization restructuring that is aligned to the requirements of the Charter and their respective Community Blueprints, namely: ASEAN Political and Security Community (APSC), ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC).
There are various positions available at the ASEC for qualified candidates with wide range of experience and expertise:
Assistant Directors (ADRs) in the divisions of legal services & agreements, finance and macroeconomic surveillance, and security cooperation; with minimum eight years experience the relevant field.
Senior Officers (SOs) in the divisions of trade & facilitation, infrastructure, services & investment, finance and macroeconomic surveillance, political cooperation, security cooperation, external relations and human resources; with minimum six years experience in the relevant field.
Postgraduate degree, preferably in relevant discipline, such as law, economics, finance, international relations, or human resources for the respective ADR or SO positions;
Sound experience in public policy development and negotiation, and experience in briefing government ministers and senior officials;
Good corporate, strategic and business planning skills;
Proven leadership and strong administrative capabilities;
Understanding of international and regional issues, and knowledge of and commitment to ASEAN ideals;
High-level interpersonal, negotiation and communication skills, including experience in cross-cultural environment and international settings;
Proven ability to develop and maintain sound working relationships with government representatives, public and private sector organisations and other stakeholders;
Proven ability for accuracy under pressure and adherence to deadlines;
Excellent command of English, written and spoken.
General qualifications:
Familiarity with diplomatic practices and protocol. Other required qualities are: computer literacy and proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office tools;
Ability to multi-task, work long and irregular hours, and perform outside the usual job scope; ability to function effectively independently and as part of a team;
A willingness to travel frequently on short notice.
Remuneration and Benefits:
Successful candidate will be offered the post with a probation period of six months and monthly salary commensurate with his/her personal qualifications starting from USD 4,000 for ADR positions and USD 2,900 for SOs. There are other applicable benefits which include housing, medical, education of dependent children, gratuity, and annual performance bonus.
Upon completion of the probationary period, the candidate will be confirmed as ADR or SO for a three-year contract, inclusive of the six-month probationary period, in the first instance.
How to apply:
Send your application highlighting your suitability and potential contribution to the position together with a detailed CV, including a recent passport-sized photograph and certified true copies of educational certificates obtained to the Personnel and Training Unit, ASEAN Secretariat, 70A Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Jakarta 12110. You can also email your application to:
Please indicate on the subject heading the position and division (example: ADR Security Cooperation Division) you would like to be considered.
Application papers should reach the ASEAN Secretariat by 30 April 2009. The Selection Committee’s decision is final and only short listed candidates will be notified.
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
The ASEAN secretariat in Jakarta invites ASEAN nationals to apply for the following vacancy
With the ratification of the ASEAN Charter in December 2008, the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC) had embarked on an organization restructuring that is aligned to the requirements of the Charter and their respective Community Blueprints, namely: ASEAN Political and Security Community (APSC), ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC).
There are various positions available at the ASEC for qualified candidates with wide range of experience and expertise:
Assistant Directors (ADRs) in the divisions of legal services & agreements, finance and macroeconomic surveillance, and security cooperation; with minimum eight years experience the relevant field.
Senior Officers (SOs) in the divisions of trade & facilitation, infrastructure, services & investment, finance and macroeconomic surveillance, political cooperation, security cooperation, external relations and human resources; with minimum six years experience in the relevant field.
Postgraduate degree, preferably in relevant discipline, such as law, economics, finance, international relations, or human resources for the respective ADR or SO positions;
Sound experience in public policy development and negotiation, and experience in briefing government ministers and senior officials;
Good corporate, strategic and business planning skills;
Proven leadership and strong administrative capabilities;
Understanding of international and regional issues, and knowledge of and commitment to ASEAN ideals;
High-level interpersonal, negotiation and communication skills, including experience in cross-cultural environment and international settings;
Proven ability to develop and maintain sound working relationships with government representatives, public and private sector organisations and other stakeholders;
Proven ability for accuracy under pressure and adherence to deadlines;
Excellent command of English, written and spoken.
General qualifications:
Familiarity with diplomatic practices and protocol. Other required qualities are: computer literacy and proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office tools;
Ability to multi-task, work long and irregular hours, and perform outside the usual job scope; ability to function effectively independently and as part of a team;
A willingness to travel frequently on short notice.
Remuneration and Benefits:
Successful candidate will be offered the post with a probation period of six months and monthly salary commensurate with his/her personal qualifications starting from USD 4,000 for ADR positions and USD 2,900 for SOs. There are other applicable benefits which include housing, medical, education of dependent children, gratuity, and annual performance bonus.
Upon completion of the probationary period, the candidate will be confirmed as ADR or SO for a three-year contract, inclusive of the six-month probationary period, in the first instance.
How to apply:
Send your application highlighting your suitability and potential contribution to the position together with a detailed CV, including a recent passport-sized photograph and certified true copies of educational certificates obtained to the Personnel and Training Unit, ASEAN Secretariat, 70A Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Jakarta 12110. You can also email your application to:
Please indicate on the subject heading the position and division (example: ADR Security Cooperation Division) you would like to be considered.
Application papers should reach the ASEAN Secretariat by 30 April 2009. The Selection Committee’s decision is final and only short listed candidates will be notified.
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
24 April 2009
Lowongan Kerja Sampoerna Academy
Sampoerna Academy
Vacancies for Principal, Teachers and Staff
Sampoerna Academy collaborating with the Government of South Sumatera
will provide a high quality boarding education to enrich the students'
mind and body and to ensure that strong moral values are inculcated in
every individual.
Sampoerna Foundation invites experienced, dedicated and talented
individuals to join the team of Sampoerna Academy International High
School in Palembang. We envision developing a successful model of
leaders' creation school for Indonesia. We encourage Civil Servants to
A competitive remuneration package and benefits will be offered to the
selected Principal, Teachers and Staff.
We are seeking for:
A. Management Team
1. Principal
2. Head of Operations
B. Teachers for the following subjects:
1. Mathematics
2. Physics
3. Biology
4. Chemistry
5. English
6. ICT (Information, Communication and Technology)
7. Economics
8. Civics
9. Bahasa Indonesia
10. Religion (Islam)
11. History
12. Geography
13. Sociology/Anthropol ogy
14. Art, Culture (and Music)
15. Physical Education
16. Counselor
C. Staff
1. Finance & Accounting
2. Administration
3. General Affairs
4. IT department
5. Human Resources
6. Building & Facility Management
7. Dormitory Manager
8. Dormitory Staff
9. Marketing and Communication
- Holding a Master's Degree in Education (Principal); Bachelor
Degree in subject applied (Teacher)
- Preferable: Master's Degree in Management (Head of Operations)
or Bachelor degree in related field (Staff)
- 5 years experience as Principal in High School (Principal) or 3
years teaching experience in High School in subject applied (teachers)
- Minimum 3 years in managerial position in school/dorm/ building
facility maintenance (Head of Operations) or 3 years experience in
related field (Staff)
- Familiarity with IGCSE curriculum would be a definite advantage
(Teachers of 1-7)
- English competency in writing and oral
- Willing to take other duties in Students' boarding activities
- Contribute to the richness of life in the boarding houses
- Enjoy working in a multi cultural environment.
- Have great openness to learn and innovate constantly. Be
computer savvy and comfortable with the use of technology
- Understanding of local culture is preferable
Fikri Muhammad Al Azhar
Sampoerna Foundation
Sampoerna Strategic Square
North Tower, 26th Floor
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 45
Jakarta 12930
Email to :
Please submit the application letter, CV and references no later than 1
May 2009. State the title of the post in the email subject.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified and invited for the next
selection process.
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
Sampoerna Academy
Vacancies for Principal, Teachers and Staff
Sampoerna Academy collaborating with the Government of South Sumatera
will provide a high quality boarding education to enrich the students'
mind and body and to ensure that strong moral values are inculcated in
every individual.
Sampoerna Foundation invites experienced, dedicated and talented
individuals to join the team of Sampoerna Academy International High
School in Palembang. We envision developing a successful model of
leaders' creation school for Indonesia. We encourage Civil Servants to
A competitive remuneration package and benefits will be offered to the
selected Principal, Teachers and Staff.
We are seeking for:
A. Management Team
1. Principal
2. Head of Operations
B. Teachers for the following subjects:
1. Mathematics
2. Physics
3. Biology
4. Chemistry
5. English
6. ICT (Information, Communication and Technology)
7. Economics
8. Civics
9. Bahasa Indonesia
10. Religion (Islam)
11. History
12. Geography
13. Sociology/Anthropol ogy
14. Art, Culture (and Music)
15. Physical Education
16. Counselor
C. Staff
1. Finance & Accounting
2. Administration
3. General Affairs
4. IT department
5. Human Resources
6. Building & Facility Management
7. Dormitory Manager
8. Dormitory Staff
9. Marketing and Communication
- Holding a Master's Degree in Education (Principal); Bachelor
Degree in subject applied (Teacher)
- Preferable: Master's Degree in Management (Head of Operations)
or Bachelor degree in related field (Staff)
- 5 years experience as Principal in High School (Principal) or 3
years teaching experience in High School in subject applied (teachers)
- Minimum 3 years in managerial position in school/dorm/ building
facility maintenance (Head of Operations) or 3 years experience in
related field (Staff)
- Familiarity with IGCSE curriculum would be a definite advantage
(Teachers of 1-7)
- English competency in writing and oral
- Willing to take other duties in Students' boarding activities
- Contribute to the richness of life in the boarding houses
- Enjoy working in a multi cultural environment.
- Have great openness to learn and innovate constantly. Be
computer savvy and comfortable with the use of technology
- Understanding of local culture is preferable
Fikri Muhammad Al Azhar
Sampoerna Foundation
Sampoerna Strategic Square
North Tower, 26th Floor
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 45
Jakarta 12930
Email to :
Please submit the application letter, CV and references no later than 1
May 2009. State the title of the post in the email subject.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified and invited for the next
selection process.
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
22 April 2009
LOWONGAN KERJA PT Charoen Pokphand
PT Charoen Pokphand, one of the largest agricultural company, located in Jakarta.
Please submit complete CV with recent photograph,
certificates, transcript, and others supporting documents
Please state applied position at the upper right corner of the envelope.
Dr. Irawan Tan
R&D Biotechnology
PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia
Jl Parangtritis Raya Blok A-5E No.12A
Ancol Barat, Jakarta 14430
* Posisi: Research Assistant Position in R&D Biotechnology.
* Persyaratan:
1. Bachelor degree (S-1) Biology, Biochemistry, Food Technology mainly in microbiology and enzyme technology.
2. Having experience in Microbial enzyme and fermentation would be preferable
3. Having skill and knowledge in microbiology
4. Able to willing work hard
5. Having adequate in analytical thinking
6. Good English both spoken and written
7. Having interested in Research and laboratory activities
8. GPA minimum 3.0 scale of 4.0
* Masa Lowongan: 21-April-2009 s/d 20-Mei-2009
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
PT Charoen Pokphand, one of the largest agricultural company, located in Jakarta.
Please submit complete CV with recent photograph,
certificates, transcript, and others supporting documents
Please state applied position at the upper right corner of the envelope.
Dr. Irawan Tan
R&D Biotechnology
PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia
Jl Parangtritis Raya Blok A-5E No.12A
Ancol Barat, Jakarta 14430
* Posisi: Research Assistant Position in R&D Biotechnology.
* Persyaratan:
1. Bachelor degree (S-1) Biology, Biochemistry, Food Technology mainly in microbiology and enzyme technology.
2. Having experience in Microbial enzyme and fermentation would be preferable
3. Having skill and knowledge in microbiology
4. Able to willing work hard
5. Having adequate in analytical thinking
6. Good English both spoken and written
7. Having interested in Research and laboratory activities
8. GPA minimum 3.0 scale of 4.0
* Masa Lowongan: 21-April-2009 s/d 20-Mei-2009
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
21 April 2009
PT. SMART Tbk. perusahaan agribisnis yang bergerak di bidang perkebunan dan teknologi pengolahan kelapa sawit dalam rangka ekspansinya membutuhkan profesional unggulan untuk menduduki posisi-posisi sebagai berikut :
Persyaratan Umum :
1. Pria lajang, berusia maksimal 28 tahun.
2. Sarjana Ekonomi, Teknik Industri, Perkapalan, dengan IPK min. 2,9.
3. Bersedia penempatan di seluruh daerah operasional perusahaan (Indonesia)
4. Menguasai program komputer aplikasi min. Microsoft Office & Bahasa Inggris.
5. Siap bekerja awal Juni 2009
Apabila Anda merasa orang yang tepat untuk tantangan ini, segera daftarkan diri Anda (send CV) via e-mail : Cantumkan subjek MANAGEMENT TRAINEE pada e mail anda.(c.d : 1 Mei 2009)
Website :
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
Persyaratan Umum :
1. Pria lajang, berusia maksimal 28 tahun.
2. Sarjana Ekonomi, Teknik Industri, Perkapalan, dengan IPK min. 2,9.
3. Bersedia penempatan di seluruh daerah operasional perusahaan (Indonesia)
4. Menguasai program komputer aplikasi min. Microsoft Office & Bahasa Inggris.
5. Siap bekerja awal Juni 2009
Apabila Anda merasa orang yang tepat untuk tantangan ini, segera daftarkan diri Anda (send CV) via e-mail : Cantumkan subjek MANAGEMENT TRAINEE pada e mail anda.(c.d : 1 Mei 2009)
Website :
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
19 April 2009
Lowongan Kerja PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali
KESEMPATAN BERKARIR PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali sebagai salah satu Perusahaan Pembangkitan Listrik di Indonesia membuka kesempatan bagi putra-putri terbaik untuk bergabung menjadi Calon Karyawan PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali, dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
1. Pendidikan S1 (Non Kependidikan)
• Teknik: Elektro (SL), Mesin (SM), Informatika (IF), Lingkungan (TL), Sipil (TS).
• Non Teknik: Hukum (HK) Ekonomi Manajemen konsentrasi non Pemasaran (ME), Akuntansi (AKT)
2. Batas Usia: Kelahiran tahun 1982 dan sesudahnya.
3. Jenis Kelamin: Laki-laki dan Perempuan.
4. Status: Belum menikah.
5. Sehat Jasmani dan rokhani (tidak memiliki keturaan fisik yang dapat menghambat aktivitas kerja) tidak buta warna bebas narkoba tidak bertato tidak bertindik (khusus laki- laki) dan melampirkan Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter.
1. Nilai IPK minimal 2,75 (S1 Teknik) dan 3.00 (S1 Non Teknik)
2. Mempunyai sertifikat TOEFL dengan skor minimal 450
1. Pelamar terlebih dahulu mengisi aplikasi online yang terdapat di website PT PJB ( link karir, selanjutnya mencetak form isian tersebut.
2. Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada Konsultan rekrutmen dengan mencantumkan no registrasi pada sampul surat lamaran (pojok kanan atas) dengan melampirkan:
a. Form isian aplikasi online yang terdapat di website PT PJB
b. Foto kopi Ijazah SD, SMP, SMA dan S1 (Ijazah S1 harus dilegalisir)
c. Fotokopi transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir
d. Fotokopi KTP dan akte kelahiran
e. Pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak lembar,
f. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK).
g. Surat pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp. 6000,- tentang:
• Kesanggupan untuk ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali
• Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkotika dan zat adiktif lainnya
• Bagi yang memiliki ijazah lebih tinggi dari S1, tidak akan menuntut pengakuan atas ijazah yang dimilikinya.
• Bersedia tidak menikah selama menjalani masa OJT
• Tidak memiliki ikatan dinas dengan instansi lain dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa pendidikan dari instansi lain yang bersifat mengikat.
* No registrasi akan dikirim via email setelah pelamar mengisi aplikasi online.
3. Pendaftaran/lamaran dutujukan kepada
PO BOX 10 SB IKIP, Surabaya
(dalam amplop tertutup warna coklat)
4. Lamaran diterirna paling lambat tanggal 4 Mei 2009 (cap pos).
5. Tidak dilakukan komunikasi (surat menyurat, telepon) selama tahapan seleksi berlangsung.
6. Seluruh tahapan seleksi tidak dikenakan biaya apapun dan pelamar dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.
7. Biaya dari dan ke tempat selekst menjadi tanggung jawab peserta
8. Keputusan hasil seleksi merupakan keputusan mutlak yang tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Keterangan lebih lengkap bisa dilihat di website PT PJB mulai tgl 20 April 2009.
Surabaya, 18 April 2009
Info Selengkapnya
Download File Pengumuman
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
1. Pendidikan S1 (Non Kependidikan)
• Teknik: Elektro (SL), Mesin (SM), Informatika (IF), Lingkungan (TL), Sipil (TS).
• Non Teknik: Hukum (HK) Ekonomi Manajemen konsentrasi non Pemasaran (ME), Akuntansi (AKT)
2. Batas Usia: Kelahiran tahun 1982 dan sesudahnya.
3. Jenis Kelamin: Laki-laki dan Perempuan.
4. Status: Belum menikah.
5. Sehat Jasmani dan rokhani (tidak memiliki keturaan fisik yang dapat menghambat aktivitas kerja) tidak buta warna bebas narkoba tidak bertato tidak bertindik (khusus laki- laki) dan melampirkan Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter.
1. Nilai IPK minimal 2,75 (S1 Teknik) dan 3.00 (S1 Non Teknik)
2. Mempunyai sertifikat TOEFL dengan skor minimal 450
1. Pelamar terlebih dahulu mengisi aplikasi online yang terdapat di website PT PJB ( link karir, selanjutnya mencetak form isian tersebut.
2. Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada Konsultan rekrutmen dengan mencantumkan no registrasi pada sampul surat lamaran (pojok kanan atas) dengan melampirkan:
a. Form isian aplikasi online yang terdapat di website PT PJB
b. Foto kopi Ijazah SD, SMP, SMA dan S1 (Ijazah S1 harus dilegalisir)
c. Fotokopi transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir
d. Fotokopi KTP dan akte kelahiran
e. Pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak lembar,
f. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK).
g. Surat pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp. 6000,- tentang:
• Kesanggupan untuk ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali
• Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkotika dan zat adiktif lainnya
• Bagi yang memiliki ijazah lebih tinggi dari S1, tidak akan menuntut pengakuan atas ijazah yang dimilikinya.
• Bersedia tidak menikah selama menjalani masa OJT
• Tidak memiliki ikatan dinas dengan instansi lain dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa pendidikan dari instansi lain yang bersifat mengikat.
* No registrasi akan dikirim via email setelah pelamar mengisi aplikasi online.
3. Pendaftaran/lamaran dutujukan kepada
PO BOX 10 SB IKIP, Surabaya
(dalam amplop tertutup warna coklat)
4. Lamaran diterirna paling lambat tanggal 4 Mei 2009 (cap pos).
5. Tidak dilakukan komunikasi (surat menyurat, telepon) selama tahapan seleksi berlangsung.
6. Seluruh tahapan seleksi tidak dikenakan biaya apapun dan pelamar dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.
7. Biaya dari dan ke tempat selekst menjadi tanggung jawab peserta
8. Keputusan hasil seleksi merupakan keputusan mutlak yang tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Keterangan lebih lengkap bisa dilihat di website PT PJB mulai tgl 20 April 2009.
Surabaya, 18 April 2009
Info Selengkapnya
Download File Pengumuman
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
Lowongan Kerja PT. Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk
PT. Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk is the fourth largest and the only CDMA-based nationwide cellular operator in Indonesia with full mobility services. Mobile-8 offers CDMA2000 1x and CDMA2000 1x EV-DO Rev-A technologies through its own nationwide 800MHz CDMA network that enables us to continuously commit to provide better and innovative products and services to our customers. Through its brand product Fren, Mobile-8 provides cellular services and the advance value added services on both data and multimedia facilities within all of Fren service coverage within Java island, Madura, Bali, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. Fren is also recognized as the only CDMA brand that can roam globally around the world and uniquely be able to be used both in GSM and CDMA countries. Mobile-8 & Fren has proved its brand leadership by receiving the prestigious award in Indonesia’s Telecommunication Industry as “The Best CDMA Operator 2008” and “The Best CDMA Prepaid Brand 2008” awarded by Selular Magazines. As part of our commitment to widen the operational coverage and enhance services around Indonesia, we are now looking for self driven and dynamic professional to join our team as:
Major responsibilities include the following:
Develop internal office software, intranet and other supporting software (ex: Oracle Finance, etc) with high quality and accuracy and meet deadline by increasing self-motivation
The successful profile will be having:
A minimum of S1 degree from Computer Science or IT / Telecommunication engineer
Having minimum 2 years experience in operational and software development
Having good skill in SQL and Web Programming
Having good analytical thinking, creative and detail oriented
Customer oriented
English ability both oral and writing
Please send your comprehensive resume, not later than 2 weeks to:
Please indicate the position you apply for in the subject of your email.
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
Major responsibilities include the following:
Develop internal office software, intranet and other supporting software (ex: Oracle Finance, etc) with high quality and accuracy and meet deadline by increasing self-motivation
The successful profile will be having:
A minimum of S1 degree from Computer Science or IT / Telecommunication engineer
Having minimum 2 years experience in operational and software development
Having good skill in SQL and Web Programming
Having good analytical thinking, creative and detail oriented
Customer oriented
English ability both oral and writing
Please send your comprehensive resume, not later than 2 weeks to:
Please indicate the position you apply for in the subject of your email.
Kembali Ke Halaman Depan
14 April 2009
Lowongan Kerja PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri
PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri to attend as a bank that combines idealism with spiritual values that melandasi operations. Harmony between the ideals of business and spiritual values, is what became one of the benefits of PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri as an alternative to banking services in Indonesia.
(Head Office, Jakarta)
Terms :
Male / Female age maximum 25 years.
High body at least 160 cm (men) and 155 cm (women) with a weight proportional
Education minimal S-1, preferably from faculty:
- Economics (banking, accounting, management & development studies)
- Law (science of law, civil, commercial, international)
- Computers (information management, computer technology)
- Engineering (civil, architectural, electrical, industrial, agricultural)
Graduates PTN / PTS reputable with a good GPA minimum 3.00 (scale 4)
Ability to communicate in English verbally and written
Can read Al-Qur'an (the good and true).
Can operate the computer, at least MS Office applications
Have not (been) married and not prepared to marry during the period of education.
Willing to be placed in BSM Branch nationwide.
Willing to undergo a period of 5 years union offices
Ghiroh a commitment and a strong economy to promote Islam.
Delivery of the application:
Submit a letter of application to become a Management Development Program participants PT Bank Syariah Mandiri signed by applicants, with the:
a)photocopy of identity card
b)photocopy of the birth of teaching license
c)photocopies and transcripts ijasah value (berlegalisir)
d)photocopy of the certificate courses
e)latest pasfoto size 4 x 6 (color) of 2 fruit, 1 fruit and color photos throughout the body 4r size formal dress (long-sleeve shirt and berdasi / men) and clothing and formal wear berjilbab / women.
f)letter bearing an Rp. 6000, - who had never married, is not prepared to marry during the period of education, are willing to be placed in all branches in Indonesia and are willing to undergo the association office at least for 5 years
Applications sent by post code with the MDP in the upper left corner of the envelope not later than the date 18 April 2009 (postal stamp) to the address:
BAGIAN REKRUTMEN & SELEKSI DIVISI HUMAN CAPITAL Gedung Menara Mandiri (Ex.BDN) Lt. 5 Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 83 Jakarta 10340
Additional provisions:
a)Application file become the property of the incoming administrator selection committee and will not be returned.
b)Only applicants with complete administrative requirements and have the best qualifications will be called to attend the next stage of selection.
c)Applications submitted before this ad, and after passing through the end of the limit are considered not valid.
d)Committee decisions are final and it can not be inviolable.
e)Implementation of selection is only held in Jakarta.
f)Costs to and from the selection process is the responsibility of each applicant.
Results of selection for the administration of the participants will follow the next selection can be accessed through
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
(Head Office, Jakarta)
Terms :
Male / Female age maximum 25 years.
High body at least 160 cm (men) and 155 cm (women) with a weight proportional
Education minimal S-1, preferably from faculty:
- Economics (banking, accounting, management & development studies)
- Law (science of law, civil, commercial, international)
- Computers (information management, computer technology)
- Engineering (civil, architectural, electrical, industrial, agricultural)
Graduates PTN / PTS reputable with a good GPA minimum 3.00 (scale 4)
Ability to communicate in English verbally and written
Can read Al-Qur'an (the good and true).
Can operate the computer, at least MS Office applications
Have not (been) married and not prepared to marry during the period of education.
Willing to be placed in BSM Branch nationwide.
Willing to undergo a period of 5 years union offices
Ghiroh a commitment and a strong economy to promote Islam.
Delivery of the application:
Submit a letter of application to become a Management Development Program participants PT Bank Syariah Mandiri signed by applicants, with the:
a)photocopy of identity card
b)photocopy of the birth of teaching license
c)photocopies and transcripts ijasah value (berlegalisir)
d)photocopy of the certificate courses
e)latest pasfoto size 4 x 6 (color) of 2 fruit, 1 fruit and color photos throughout the body 4r size formal dress (long-sleeve shirt and berdasi / men) and clothing and formal wear berjilbab / women.
f)letter bearing an Rp. 6000, - who had never married, is not prepared to marry during the period of education, are willing to be placed in all branches in Indonesia and are willing to undergo the association office at least for 5 years
Applications sent by post code with the MDP in the upper left corner of the envelope not later than the date 18 April 2009 (postal stamp) to the address:
BAGIAN REKRUTMEN & SELEKSI DIVISI HUMAN CAPITAL Gedung Menara Mandiri (Ex.BDN) Lt. 5 Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 83 Jakarta 10340
Additional provisions:
a)Application file become the property of the incoming administrator selection committee and will not be returned.
b)Only applicants with complete administrative requirements and have the best qualifications will be called to attend the next stage of selection.
c)Applications submitted before this ad, and after passing through the end of the limit are considered not valid.
d)Committee decisions are final and it can not be inviolable.
e)Implementation of selection is only held in Jakarta.
f)Costs to and from the selection process is the responsibility of each applicant.
Results of selection for the administration of the participants will follow the next selection can be accessed through
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
Lowongan Kerja Perum Jasa Tirta II
Perum Jasa Tirta II, perusahaan BUMN yang bergerak dibidang pengairan
irigasi dan air baku, sedang membutuhkan karyawan dengan persyaratan
sebagai berikut :
Kode Bidang Kuota Jenjang Jurusan Pengalaman
1. HK 6 org Sarjana Hukum min 2 thn
2. TL 1 1 org Sarjana Elektro min 2 thn
3. PTU 6 org SMU/SMK/ Semua jur.
4. TM 1 org SMK Mesin
5. OP 3 org SMK Listrik
6. TL 3 3 org SMK Elektronik arus lemah
7. AK 2 org SMK Analisis Kimia
8. PDT 4 org SMK Sipil
9. JU 2 org SMK Sipil
10. OB 2 org SMK Sipil
11. PJP 69 org SMK Sipil/Bangunan
Persyaratan umum :
Usia mak. 30 th utk Sarjana per tgl 17 April 2009, dan mak. 26 th utk
Lulusan PTN/PTS dgn akreditasi "A".
IPK min 2,75 utk Sarjana, dan rata2 ijazah min. 7,5 utk SMU/SMK/sederajat
Persyaratan Admninistrasi :
1. CV
2. FC ijazah & transkip nilai (legalisir)
3. FC sertifikat kursus (apabila ada)
4. FC referensi dari perushaan tmpt bekerja sebelumnya (apabila sdh bekerja)
5. FC Akte Kelahiran
6. FC KTP yang berlaku
7. FC Kartu Kuning dari Disnaker setempat
8. Surat keterangan Sehat dan tidak buta warna dari dokter
9. FC SKCK dari kepolisian setempat
10. Pas poto terakhir 4x6 berwarna 3 lembar
11. Surat pernyataan diri tidak menggunakan dan terlibat narkoba.
Lamaran disampaikan melalui kantor pos dengan alamat PO BOX 145 PWK
41101 dan melampirkan amplop balasan (sampul Flate Rate) dengan
mencantumkan nama dan alamat (nomor pengirim)
Tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Bagi pelamar yang lulus seleksi
administrasi, akan akan diberitahu melalui surat atau dapat dilihat
melalui website atau di
Keterangan lengkap bisa dilihat disurat kabar Pikiran Rakyat.
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
irigasi dan air baku, sedang membutuhkan karyawan dengan persyaratan
sebagai berikut :
Kode Bidang Kuota Jenjang Jurusan Pengalaman
1. HK 6 org Sarjana Hukum min 2 thn
2. TL 1 1 org Sarjana Elektro min 2 thn
3. PTU 6 org SMU/SMK/ Semua jur.
4. TM 1 org SMK Mesin
5. OP 3 org SMK Listrik
6. TL 3 3 org SMK Elektronik arus lemah
7. AK 2 org SMK Analisis Kimia
8. PDT 4 org SMK Sipil
9. JU 2 org SMK Sipil
10. OB 2 org SMK Sipil
11. PJP 69 org SMK Sipil/Bangunan
Persyaratan umum :
Usia mak. 30 th utk Sarjana per tgl 17 April 2009, dan mak. 26 th utk
Lulusan PTN/PTS dgn akreditasi "A".
IPK min 2,75 utk Sarjana, dan rata2 ijazah min. 7,5 utk SMU/SMK/sederajat
Persyaratan Admninistrasi :
1. CV
2. FC ijazah & transkip nilai (legalisir)
3. FC sertifikat kursus (apabila ada)
4. FC referensi dari perushaan tmpt bekerja sebelumnya (apabila sdh bekerja)
5. FC Akte Kelahiran
6. FC KTP yang berlaku
7. FC Kartu Kuning dari Disnaker setempat
8. Surat keterangan Sehat dan tidak buta warna dari dokter
9. FC SKCK dari kepolisian setempat
10. Pas poto terakhir 4x6 berwarna 3 lembar
11. Surat pernyataan diri tidak menggunakan dan terlibat narkoba.
Lamaran disampaikan melalui kantor pos dengan alamat PO BOX 145 PWK
41101 dan melampirkan amplop balasan (sampul Flate Rate) dengan
mencantumkan nama dan alamat (nomor pengirim)
Tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Bagi pelamar yang lulus seleksi
administrasi, akan akan diberitahu melalui surat atau dapat dilihat
melalui website atau di
Keterangan lengkap bisa dilihat disurat kabar Pikiran Rakyat.
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
13 April 2009
PT. Asuransi kredit Indonesia (Askrindo)/Persero, merupakan badan Usaha Milik
Negara ( BUMN) yang bergerak di bidang asuransi kredit dan penjaminan, membuka
kesempatan Kepada Warga Negara Indonesia baik pria maupun wanita untuk
berkarier di PT. ASKRINDO dengan kualifikasi Pendidikan Sarjana ( S1)
berlatar belakang pendidikan :
-Teknik : Sipil , Arsitektur , Industri
-Teknik Informatika
-Manajemen Informatika
-Ekonomi : Studi Pembangunan / Akuntansi / Keuangan / Perpajakan
-Manajemen : Manajemen/Bisnis
-Adminstrasi Niaga
-Ilmu Hukum
-Warga Negara Indonesia, Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani .
-Belum Menikah.
-Tidak sedang terikat perjanjian / kontrak kerja dengan instansi pemerintah /
swasta lain .
-bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia.
-Minimal mengerti penggunaan dasar komputer ( Microsoft office ) dan internet
(browsing & surat elektronik/email )
-Berijazah Sarjana ( S1 ) dari perguruan tinggi Negeri / perguruan tinggi
swasta yang telah mendapat akreditasi (minimal A ) atau dari Perguruan Tinggi
Luar Negeri yang telah mendapat pengesahan dari Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
-Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) minimal 2,75 ( dua koma tujuh lima) .
-Kualifikasi Pendidikan sesuai dengan posisi yang tersedia
-Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik ( lisan dan tertulis );
-Usia tidak lebih dari 28 tahun pada tanggal 31 Desember 2008.
-PT. ASKRINDO hanya menerima lamaran yang melalui pos .
-Keputusan hasil seleksi bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat di ganggu gugat .Pada
setiap tahapan seleksi , hanya pelamar yang di nyatakan lulus dapat mengikuti ke
tahap seleksi berikutnya .
-Proses rekrutmen dan seleksi ini tidak di kenakan biaya apapun .
-Segala biaya transportasi dan akomodasi para pelamar selama menjalani seleksi
menjadi tanggungan pribadi
Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran , Curiculum Vitae , Copy
Ijasah / Surat Keterangan Lulus , Copy Trankrip Nilai , Phas Photo 4 x 6
sebanyak 2 lembar dan kami terima paling lambat tgl 6 Mei 2009 ke :
Bagian Sumber Daya Manusia PT . ASKRINDO
Jl . Angkasa Blok B-9 , kav-8 Kemayoran – Jakarta 10610
Seleksi direncanakan akan diselenggarakan di Makassar, Denpasar, Surabaya,
Semarang, Banjarmasin, Palembang, Medan, Pekanbaru, Pontianak. Tuliskan Lokasi
Tes yang dipilih di Bagian Sudut Kiri Atas AMPLOP LAMARAN.
Jakarta , 6 April 2009
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
PT. Asuransi kredit Indonesia (Askrindo)/Persero, merupakan badan Usaha Milik
Negara ( BUMN) yang bergerak di bidang asuransi kredit dan penjaminan, membuka
kesempatan Kepada Warga Negara Indonesia baik pria maupun wanita untuk
berkarier di PT. ASKRINDO dengan kualifikasi Pendidikan Sarjana ( S1)
berlatar belakang pendidikan :
-Teknik : Sipil , Arsitektur , Industri
-Teknik Informatika
-Manajemen Informatika
-Ekonomi : Studi Pembangunan / Akuntansi / Keuangan / Perpajakan
-Manajemen : Manajemen/Bisnis
-Adminstrasi Niaga
-Ilmu Hukum
-Warga Negara Indonesia, Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani .
-Belum Menikah.
-Tidak sedang terikat perjanjian / kontrak kerja dengan instansi pemerintah /
swasta lain .
-bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia.
-Minimal mengerti penggunaan dasar komputer ( Microsoft office ) dan internet
(browsing & surat elektronik/email )
-Berijazah Sarjana ( S1 ) dari perguruan tinggi Negeri / perguruan tinggi
swasta yang telah mendapat akreditasi (minimal A ) atau dari Perguruan Tinggi
Luar Negeri yang telah mendapat pengesahan dari Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
-Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) minimal 2,75 ( dua koma tujuh lima) .
-Kualifikasi Pendidikan sesuai dengan posisi yang tersedia
-Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik ( lisan dan tertulis );
-Usia tidak lebih dari 28 tahun pada tanggal 31 Desember 2008.
-PT. ASKRINDO hanya menerima lamaran yang melalui pos .
-Keputusan hasil seleksi bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat di ganggu gugat .Pada
setiap tahapan seleksi , hanya pelamar yang di nyatakan lulus dapat mengikuti ke
tahap seleksi berikutnya .
-Proses rekrutmen dan seleksi ini tidak di kenakan biaya apapun .
-Segala biaya transportasi dan akomodasi para pelamar selama menjalani seleksi
menjadi tanggungan pribadi
Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran , Curiculum Vitae , Copy
Ijasah / Surat Keterangan Lulus , Copy Trankrip Nilai , Phas Photo 4 x 6
sebanyak 2 lembar dan kami terima paling lambat tgl 6 Mei 2009 ke :
Bagian Sumber Daya Manusia PT . ASKRINDO
Jl . Angkasa Blok B-9 , kav-8 Kemayoran – Jakarta 10610
Seleksi direncanakan akan diselenggarakan di Makassar, Denpasar, Surabaya,
Semarang, Banjarmasin, Palembang, Medan, Pekanbaru, Pontianak. Tuliskan Lokasi
Tes yang dipilih di Bagian Sudut Kiri Atas AMPLOP LAMARAN.
Jakarta , 6 April 2009
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
Lowongan Kerja Bank Kesawan
PT. BANK KESAWAN, Tbk membuka kesempatan bagi anda para professional yang berdedikasi dan bersemangat untuk berkarir pada Bank Devisa di Jakarta sebagai :
Persyaratan :
Sarjana strata 1 atau strata 2 dari segala jurusan
indeks prestasi kumulatif minimal 2,70
usia maksimal 25 tahun atau 2 tahun setelah kelulusan
mampu berbahasa Inggris, mandarin (lebih disenangi)
Penuh tanggung jawab
Memiliki kemampuan belajar yang tinggi
Berpenampilan professional
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap beserta CV, pas foto (3x4) bewarna, transkrip, dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di pojok kiri atas amplop, lamaran dikirim ke :
HRM Departemen
Kantor Pusat Bank Kesawan
Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 33 Jakarta 10120
Atau email kami Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
PT. BANK KESAWAN, Tbk membuka kesempatan bagi anda para professional yang berdedikasi dan bersemangat untuk berkarir pada Bank Devisa di Jakarta sebagai :
Persyaratan :
Sarjana strata 1 atau strata 2 dari segala jurusan
indeks prestasi kumulatif minimal 2,70
usia maksimal 25 tahun atau 2 tahun setelah kelulusan
mampu berbahasa Inggris, mandarin (lebih disenangi)
Penuh tanggung jawab
Memiliki kemampuan belajar yang tinggi
Berpenampilan professional
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap beserta CV, pas foto (3x4) bewarna, transkrip, dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di pojok kiri atas amplop, lamaran dikirim ke :
HRM Departemen
Kantor Pusat Bank Kesawan
Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 33 Jakarta 10120
Atau email kami Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
Lowongan Kerja BTPN
Bank BTPN yang memiliki fokus bisnis pangsa pasar Pensiunan dan Usaha Mikro & Kecil (UMK) kembali membuka kesempatan bagi putra-putri terbaik Indonesia untuk bergabung sebagai pegawai tetap Bank BTPN dengan menempati posisi:
1.IT PMO and MIS Head (IT-BAU-302)
2.IT Quality Assurance Head (IT-PQA-301)
3.IT Procurement & Vendor Management Head (IT-PQA-302)
4.IT Planning, Strategy & Governance Head (IT-PQA-303)
5.IT Policies and Procedures Head (IT-PQA-304)
6.IT Security Head (IT-PQA-305)
7.IT Core Application Head (IT-ADV-301)
8.IT Service Analyst Head (IT-OPS-301)
9.IT PMO and MIS Staff (IT-BAU-401)
10.IT Business Alliance - Retail Officer (IT-BAR-301)
11.IT Business Alliance - Support Function Staff (IT-BAS-301)
12.IT Quality Control Officer (IT-PQA-402)
13.IT Planning, Strategy & Governance Officer (IT-PQA-401)
14.IT Policies and Procedures Officer (IT-PQA-401)
15.IT Field Support Supervisor (IT-OPS-E0034)
16.DB Admin-Server Development Staff (IT-OPS-404)
a)Persyaratan umum: S1 diutamakan jurusan IT, pernah bekerja di IT/FI/Perbankan
b)No 1-8 usia max. 35 tahun dengan pengalaman min. 5 tahun di posisi yang sama
c)No 9-16 usia max. 30 tahun dengan pengalaman min. 2 tahun di posisi yang sama
d)No 2,3,10,11 S1 jurusan IT/Engineering/Accounting/Management
e)No 1,2,9,10,11 pengalaman menguasai System Development Life Cycle, Proses Manajement Perbankan, Manajemen Proyek, Bisnis Analisis
f)No 5,12 menguasai IT Control Method (CoBIT, PMBOOK)
g)No 7 menguasai Core Banking System dan Equation bahasa pemograman RPG 400
h)No. 8 menguasai ITIL
i)No 15 bersedia ditempatkan di daerah
Kirimkan lamaran Anda melalui email: sebelum tanggal 21 April 2009, dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar sebagai subject email. Lampirkan CV dalam format doc/pdf/zip dengan ukuran maksimal 300 kb.
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
1.IT PMO and MIS Head (IT-BAU-302)
2.IT Quality Assurance Head (IT-PQA-301)
3.IT Procurement & Vendor Management Head (IT-PQA-302)
4.IT Planning, Strategy & Governance Head (IT-PQA-303)
5.IT Policies and Procedures Head (IT-PQA-304)
6.IT Security Head (IT-PQA-305)
7.IT Core Application Head (IT-ADV-301)
8.IT Service Analyst Head (IT-OPS-301)
9.IT PMO and MIS Staff (IT-BAU-401)
10.IT Business Alliance - Retail Officer (IT-BAR-301)
11.IT Business Alliance - Support Function Staff (IT-BAS-301)
12.IT Quality Control Officer (IT-PQA-402)
13.IT Planning, Strategy & Governance Officer (IT-PQA-401)
14.IT Policies and Procedures Officer (IT-PQA-401)
15.IT Field Support Supervisor (IT-OPS-E0034)
16.DB Admin-Server Development Staff (IT-OPS-404)
a)Persyaratan umum: S1 diutamakan jurusan IT, pernah bekerja di IT/FI/Perbankan
b)No 1-8 usia max. 35 tahun dengan pengalaman min. 5 tahun di posisi yang sama
c)No 9-16 usia max. 30 tahun dengan pengalaman min. 2 tahun di posisi yang sama
d)No 2,3,10,11 S1 jurusan IT/Engineering/Accounting/Management
e)No 1,2,9,10,11 pengalaman menguasai System Development Life Cycle, Proses Manajement Perbankan, Manajemen Proyek, Bisnis Analisis
f)No 5,12 menguasai IT Control Method (CoBIT, PMBOOK)
g)No 7 menguasai Core Banking System dan Equation bahasa pemograman RPG 400
h)No. 8 menguasai ITIL
i)No 15 bersedia ditempatkan di daerah
Kirimkan lamaran Anda melalui email: sebelum tanggal 21 April 2009, dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar sebagai subject email. Lampirkan CV dalam format doc/pdf/zip dengan ukuran maksimal 300 kb.
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
Lowongan Kerja TRANS TV
Join Our Innovative and Imaginative TRANS TV & TRANS 7
As the best TV stations in Indonesia, TRANS TV and TRANS 7 aim to
enrich their capabilities and achievements. We challenge young,
potential, and dynamic candidates to join us for the following program:
General Qualifications:
• Male/Female and single, Max. age 27 years old
• Diploma III or University Graduate, Min. GPA 2,75
• Creative, Hard Worker, Assertive, Energetic
• Has the ability to work in a fast paced environment
• Has good interpersonal and communication skills
• Good appearance
Please fill in the application form and CV at
The latest is on April 17th, 2009
(Please make sure your registration number on web is on 5 (five) digits)
For any further information, it will be informed on the website
Jl. Kapt. Tendean Kav. 12-14A,
Jakarta 12790
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
Join Our Innovative and Imaginative TRANS TV & TRANS 7
As the best TV stations in Indonesia, TRANS TV and TRANS 7 aim to
enrich their capabilities and achievements. We challenge young,
potential, and dynamic candidates to join us for the following program:
General Qualifications:
• Male/Female and single, Max. age 27 years old
• Diploma III or University Graduate, Min. GPA 2,75
• Creative, Hard Worker, Assertive, Energetic
• Has the ability to work in a fast paced environment
• Has good interpersonal and communication skills
• Good appearance
Please fill in the application form and CV at
The latest is on April 17th, 2009
(Please make sure your registration number on web is on 5 (five) digits)
For any further information, it will be informed on the website
Jl. Kapt. Tendean Kav. 12-14A,
Jakarta 12790
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
10 April 2009
Lowongan PT. Jogja Global Teknologi (JGT
Qualified candidates will be invited to attend selection processes in Yogyakarta.
PT. Jogja Global Teknologi (JGT) is an emerging company skilled in information technology focusing in the SAP environment. Our visions are to become a global company.
We strongly believe that our strength is rooted in the relationship with our clients and partners and in the dedications we have with them in achieving successes together. We work closely with our clients to assess their situations, evaluate alternatives and propose solutions that are customized to the client\'s needs and unique business environment.
Our strength lies also in our people who have been employed on the basis of their recognized or potential productivity in the industry, and in their high qualifications. Our people are dedicated to work with you to achieve your success.
̢ۢ S1 Degree from Faculty of Engineering Major of Electrical Engineering & Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Science, Physic & Mathematic, Computer Science, with min. GPA 3.00;
̢ۢ Fluent in English both oral and written;
̢ۢ Must be able to Operating UNIX and Windows NT/ W2K
̢ۢ Able to Database Oracle or any Database
̢ۢ Ready work under preasure
̢ۢ Willing to be placed in Bogor Office and traveling (local and overseas)
̢ۢ Hard worker, able to adjust new environment, Self-motivated desired to learn something new and fast learner
We are now seeking outstanding professional to join our Consultant team as:
Submit your resume with other relevan document before April 17th 2009 to:
PT. Jogja Global Teknologi
Jl. Cik Ditiro No. 1 Yogyakarta 55223
Phone: +62 274 555 666
email to: &
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
Qualified candidates will be invited to attend selection processes in Yogyakarta.
PT. Jogja Global Teknologi (JGT) is an emerging company skilled in information technology focusing in the SAP environment. Our visions are to become a global company.
We strongly believe that our strength is rooted in the relationship with our clients and partners and in the dedications we have with them in achieving successes together. We work closely with our clients to assess their situations, evaluate alternatives and propose solutions that are customized to the client\'s needs and unique business environment.
Our strength lies also in our people who have been employed on the basis of their recognized or potential productivity in the industry, and in their high qualifications. Our people are dedicated to work with you to achieve your success.
̢ۢ S1 Degree from Faculty of Engineering Major of Electrical Engineering & Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Science, Physic & Mathematic, Computer Science, with min. GPA 3.00;
̢ۢ Fluent in English both oral and written;
̢ۢ Must be able to Operating UNIX and Windows NT/ W2K
̢ۢ Able to Database Oracle or any Database
̢ۢ Ready work under preasure
̢ۢ Willing to be placed in Bogor Office and traveling (local and overseas)
̢ۢ Hard worker, able to adjust new environment, Self-motivated desired to learn something new and fast learner
We are now seeking outstanding professional to join our Consultant team as:
Submit your resume with other relevan document before April 17th 2009 to:
PT. Jogja Global Teknologi
Jl. Cik Ditiro No. 1 Yogyakarta 55223
Phone: +62 274 555 666
email to: &
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
09 April 2009
Lowongan PT Arta Boga Cemerlang
PT. ARTA BOGA CEMERLANG adalah perusahaan berskala nasional yang
bergerak dalam bidang distribusi consumer goods. Dalam upaya
pengembangan divisi, perusahaan kami membutuhkan segera SDM yang handal
untuk mengisi posisi :
- Wanita, usia max 25 thn
- IPK min > 3.00
- Detil,teliti & menyukai pekerjaan Back Office
- Menguasai Microsoft Office
- Teliti & mampu bekerja sama denagn team
- Pria / Wanita, usia max 28 thn
- S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi,Manajemen,Sistem Informasi
- IPK min > 3.00
- Penempatan di seluruh Jawa Tengah & DIY
- Punya jiwa kepemimpinan
- Pria, usia max 28 thn
- S1 Fak Ekonomi / Teknik, IPK > 3.00
- Penempatan di seluruh Jawa Tengah & DIY
- Punya jiwa kepemimpinan
- Menyukai tantangan & pekerjaan lapangan
- Siap bekerja dalam target
- Pria, usia max 28 thn
- Pendidikan min D3 segala jurusan, IPK > 3.00
- Penempatan di seluruh Jawa Tengah & DIY
- Menguasai komputer
- Pria, usia max 28 thn
- Pendidikan min S1 Teknik , IPK min > 3.00
- Penempatan di Semarang
- Menguasai teritory Jawa Tengah
- Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan
Kirim lamaran dilengkapi CV,FC KTP, FC ijazah,transkrip,
foto berwarna 4X6 ke :
Paling lambat tanggal 30 April 2009
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
bergerak dalam bidang distribusi consumer goods. Dalam upaya
pengembangan divisi, perusahaan kami membutuhkan segera SDM yang handal
untuk mengisi posisi :
- Wanita, usia max 25 thn
- IPK min > 3.00
- Detil,teliti & menyukai pekerjaan Back Office
- Menguasai Microsoft Office
- Teliti & mampu bekerja sama denagn team
- Pria / Wanita, usia max 28 thn
- S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi,Manajemen,Sistem Informasi
- IPK min > 3.00
- Penempatan di seluruh Jawa Tengah & DIY
- Punya jiwa kepemimpinan
- Pria, usia max 28 thn
- S1 Fak Ekonomi / Teknik, IPK > 3.00
- Penempatan di seluruh Jawa Tengah & DIY
- Punya jiwa kepemimpinan
- Menyukai tantangan & pekerjaan lapangan
- Siap bekerja dalam target
- Pria, usia max 28 thn
- Pendidikan min D3 segala jurusan, IPK > 3.00
- Penempatan di seluruh Jawa Tengah & DIY
- Menguasai komputer
- Pria, usia max 28 thn
- Pendidikan min S1 Teknik , IPK min > 3.00
- Penempatan di Semarang
- Menguasai teritory Jawa Tengah
- Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan
Kirim lamaran dilengkapi CV,FC KTP, FC ijazah,transkrip,
foto berwarna 4X6 ke :
Paling lambat tanggal 30 April 2009
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
07 April 2009
Lowongan PT. Sinar Niaga Sejahtera – Garudafood Group
Advertised: 7-4-09 | Closing Date: 6-5-09
PT. Sinar Niaga Sejahtera – Garudafood Group
Is one of FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) distribution leader in Indonesia. Now we’re open a new challenges for you,
professional who have talent and motivation to join a world class company
We are invite you to join us as:
Trade Data Analyst
(Jawa Barat)
Minimum Bachelor Degree majoring Statistics, Mathematics or Industrial Engineering from reputable University
Fresh Graduate are welcome
Having Good Knowledge in Data Analysis and Statistics
Perform good analitical thinking
Fast Learner and High Motivation
If you think you are the one, please send your comprehensive CV to:
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
PT. Sinar Niaga Sejahtera – Garudafood Group
Is one of FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) distribution leader in Indonesia. Now we’re open a new challenges for you,
professional who have talent and motivation to join a world class company
We are invite you to join us as:
Trade Data Analyst
(Jawa Barat)
Minimum Bachelor Degree majoring Statistics, Mathematics or Industrial Engineering from reputable University
Fresh Graduate are welcome
Having Good Knowledge in Data Analysis and Statistics
Perform good analitical thinking
Fast Learner and High Motivation
If you think you are the one, please send your comprehensive CV to:
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
03 April 2009
Lowongan PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II
Klien kami, salah satu BUMN terbesar di Indonesia, membuka kesempatan kerja bagi putra-putri terbaik Indonesia yang mempunyai integritas tinggi, ulet, teliti dan kompeten untuk bergabung dan mengisi posisi:
Tingkat S1 / Sederajat
Staf Hukum .
Staf Akuntansi.
Staf Teknik Mesin dan Listrik.
Staf Renbang. Fasilitas (Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Fasilitas).
Staf Anggaran.
Staf Dukungan Sistem.
Staf Akuntansi Keuangan
Tingkat D3 / Sederajat
Pelaksana Sistem Informasi.
Pelaksana Renbang. SDM (Perencanaan dan Pengembangan SDM).
KKM Kapal Tunda.
Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Tanah, Bangunan, Air & Listrik (TBAL).
Pelaksana Mekanik Alat Bongkar Muat.
Pelaksana Oprasi Kapal dan Lapangan.
Pelaksana Perencanaan dan Perawatan Alat Apung.
Pelaksana Administrasi SMK3 .
Pelaksana Akuntansi.
Pelaksana Teknik Sipil.
Pelaksana Kendali Mutu.
Pelaksana Teknik Mesin dan Listrik.
Pelaksana Pelayanan Kapal dan Barang .
Pelaksana Survey dan Teknik Lingkunggan.
Tingkat SLTA / Sederajat
Pelaksana Pelayanan Jasa.
Pelaksana Menara Pengawas.
Oprator Alat Bongkar Muat
Anak Buah Kapal (ABK).
Pelaksana Pemeliharaan Sipil.
Persyaratan Umum
S1 dan D3
Minimal 2.75 (skala 4) Nilai Rata-Rata: 7.00
Khusus Operator Alat Bongkar Muat Rata-Rata : 6.50
Usia Maksimal per tanggal 1 April 2009
S1 maksimal 31 Tahun (lahir setelah 31 Maret 1978)
D3 maksimal 28 tahun (lahir setelah 31 Maret 1981)
Maksimal 25 Tahun (lahir setelah 31 Maret 1984)
Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris
TOEFL/TOEFL Prediction min. 400/ CBT min. 96/ IELTS min. 3.0 Pasif
Khusus posisi Mualim, Masinis dan Pelaksana Menara Pengawas memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris secara aktif
Pelamar bukan pekerja PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II
Pelamar tidak mempunyai hubungan saudara berupa saudara kandung dengan pekerja PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II
Pelamar tidak mempunyai suami/ istri yang masih aktif bekerja pada PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II
Pelamar wajib memiliki alamat email yang telah aktif untuk dapat mengikuti proses seleksi pekerja.
Aplikasi lamaran hanya dilakukan melalui on-line (klik link Regristrasi On-line di bagian bawah pengumuman). Tidak ada jalur lain yang digunakan dalam proses pengiriman lamaran.
Setelah mengisi formulir aplikasi dan mengirimkannya kembali secara on-line, Pelamar akan mendapat konfirmasi registrasi melalui email. Konfirmasi tersebut berisi nomor registrasi yang akan digunakan selama proses seleksi.
Untuk Pelamar Tingkat S1 dan D3, tes hanya akan diselenggarakan di kota Jakarta.
Untuk Tingkat SLTA, tes diselenggarakan di kota Jakarta, Palembang dan Pontianak. Pelamar hanya dapat memilih satu lokasi tes dan tidak dapat mengubah lokasi tes yang telah dipilih. Apabila tidak memilih lokasi tes, maka dianggap memilih Jakarta. Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab masing-masing pelamar.
Pelamar hanya diperkenankan melakukan satu kali registrasi on-line.
Pada setiap tahap seleksi, hanya pelamar dengan kualifikasi terbaik ( shortlist candidates ) yang akan diikutsertakan dalam proses seleksi tahap selanjutnya.
Pelamar wajib mengisi aplikasi dengan data/ informasi yang sebenar-benarnya, karena data ini akan diklarifikasi dengan berkas aslinya pada saat pelaksanaan proses seleksi Tahap I (Verifikasi Dokumen).
Masa waktu Registrasi on-line adalah 04 April s/d 16 April 2009 .
Aplikasi yang masuk setelah batas akhir registrasi dan/atau tidak melamar secara on-line, dianggap tidak berlaku .
Keputusan hasil seleksi bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan, yang dihubungi untuk masuk ke tahap seleksi berikutnya dengan cara login.
Pengumuman hasil seleksi administrasi dan peserta yang berhak mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya dapat dilihat di website
mulai 21 April 2009 pukul. 22.00 WIB .
Pas Foto Berwarna, ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar;
Fotocopy Kartu Tanda Penduduk;
Curriculum Vitae / Daftar Riwayat Hidup yang didownload dari website ;
Fotocopy ijazah akhir dan traskrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang dan sertifikat lainnya yang relevan ( untuk S1 & D3);
Fotocopy ijazah akhir dan traskrip nilai Ujian Nasional/ Hasil Ujian Nasional yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang dan sertifikat lainnya yang relevan ( untuk SLTA/ Sederajat);
Surat Keterangan Kesehatan dan Surat Keterangan Bebas Narkoba dari instansi yang berwenang;
Surat Pernyataan tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat sebagai pekerja/ pegawai dari suatu instansi baik pemerintah maupun swasta;
Surat pernyataan memberikan data informasi dan melampirkan dokumen pada saat seleksi penerimaan calon pekerja dengan sebebar-benarnya yang didownload dari website ;
Surat Pernyataan yang menyatakan bahwa ( didownload dari website) :
Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat sebagai pekerja/ pegawai dari intansi pemerintah maupun suwasta;
Tidak pernah dihukum penjara berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan;
Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah kerja perusahaan;
Melamar posisi sesuai dengan ijasah pendidikan yang persyaratkan.
Pelamar yang menunjukkan dokumen yang berbeda dengan data yang dimasukan pada saat registrasi on-line , dinyatakan gugur dan tidak dapat mengikuti seleksi tahap selanjutnya.
(Jakarta, 04 April 2009 - Panitia Rekrutmen & Seleksi)
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
Tingkat S1 / Sederajat
Staf Hukum .
Staf Akuntansi.
Staf Teknik Mesin dan Listrik.
Staf Renbang. Fasilitas (Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Fasilitas).
Staf Anggaran.
Staf Dukungan Sistem.
Staf Akuntansi Keuangan
Tingkat D3 / Sederajat
Pelaksana Sistem Informasi.
Pelaksana Renbang. SDM (Perencanaan dan Pengembangan SDM).
KKM Kapal Tunda.
Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Tanah, Bangunan, Air & Listrik (TBAL).
Pelaksana Mekanik Alat Bongkar Muat.
Pelaksana Oprasi Kapal dan Lapangan.
Pelaksana Perencanaan dan Perawatan Alat Apung.
Pelaksana Administrasi SMK3 .
Pelaksana Akuntansi.
Pelaksana Teknik Sipil.
Pelaksana Kendali Mutu.
Pelaksana Teknik Mesin dan Listrik.
Pelaksana Pelayanan Kapal dan Barang .
Pelaksana Survey dan Teknik Lingkunggan.
Tingkat SLTA / Sederajat
Pelaksana Pelayanan Jasa.
Pelaksana Menara Pengawas.
Oprator Alat Bongkar Muat
Anak Buah Kapal (ABK).
Pelaksana Pemeliharaan Sipil.
Persyaratan Umum
S1 dan D3
Minimal 2.75 (skala 4) Nilai Rata-Rata: 7.00
Khusus Operator Alat Bongkar Muat Rata-Rata : 6.50
Usia Maksimal per tanggal 1 April 2009
S1 maksimal 31 Tahun (lahir setelah 31 Maret 1978)
D3 maksimal 28 tahun (lahir setelah 31 Maret 1981)
Maksimal 25 Tahun (lahir setelah 31 Maret 1984)
Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris
TOEFL/TOEFL Prediction min. 400/ CBT min. 96/ IELTS min. 3.0 Pasif
Khusus posisi Mualim, Masinis dan Pelaksana Menara Pengawas memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris secara aktif
Pelamar bukan pekerja PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II
Pelamar tidak mempunyai hubungan saudara berupa saudara kandung dengan pekerja PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II
Pelamar tidak mempunyai suami/ istri yang masih aktif bekerja pada PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II
Pelamar wajib memiliki alamat email yang telah aktif untuk dapat mengikuti proses seleksi pekerja.
Aplikasi lamaran hanya dilakukan melalui on-line (klik link Regristrasi On-line di bagian bawah pengumuman). Tidak ada jalur lain yang digunakan dalam proses pengiriman lamaran.
Setelah mengisi formulir aplikasi dan mengirimkannya kembali secara on-line, Pelamar akan mendapat konfirmasi registrasi melalui email. Konfirmasi tersebut berisi nomor registrasi yang akan digunakan selama proses seleksi.
Untuk Pelamar Tingkat S1 dan D3, tes hanya akan diselenggarakan di kota Jakarta.
Untuk Tingkat SLTA, tes diselenggarakan di kota Jakarta, Palembang dan Pontianak. Pelamar hanya dapat memilih satu lokasi tes dan tidak dapat mengubah lokasi tes yang telah dipilih. Apabila tidak memilih lokasi tes, maka dianggap memilih Jakarta. Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab masing-masing pelamar.
Pelamar hanya diperkenankan melakukan satu kali registrasi on-line.
Pada setiap tahap seleksi, hanya pelamar dengan kualifikasi terbaik ( shortlist candidates ) yang akan diikutsertakan dalam proses seleksi tahap selanjutnya.
Pelamar wajib mengisi aplikasi dengan data/ informasi yang sebenar-benarnya, karena data ini akan diklarifikasi dengan berkas aslinya pada saat pelaksanaan proses seleksi Tahap I (Verifikasi Dokumen).
Masa waktu Registrasi on-line adalah 04 April s/d 16 April 2009 .
Aplikasi yang masuk setelah batas akhir registrasi dan/atau tidak melamar secara on-line, dianggap tidak berlaku .
Keputusan hasil seleksi bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan, yang dihubungi untuk masuk ke tahap seleksi berikutnya dengan cara login.
Pengumuman hasil seleksi administrasi dan peserta yang berhak mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya dapat dilihat di website
mulai 21 April 2009 pukul. 22.00 WIB .
Pas Foto Berwarna, ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar;
Fotocopy Kartu Tanda Penduduk;
Curriculum Vitae / Daftar Riwayat Hidup yang didownload dari website ;
Fotocopy ijazah akhir dan traskrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang dan sertifikat lainnya yang relevan ( untuk S1 & D3);
Fotocopy ijazah akhir dan traskrip nilai Ujian Nasional/ Hasil Ujian Nasional yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang dan sertifikat lainnya yang relevan ( untuk SLTA/ Sederajat);
Surat Keterangan Kesehatan dan Surat Keterangan Bebas Narkoba dari instansi yang berwenang;
Surat Pernyataan tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat sebagai pekerja/ pegawai dari suatu instansi baik pemerintah maupun swasta;
Surat pernyataan memberikan data informasi dan melampirkan dokumen pada saat seleksi penerimaan calon pekerja dengan sebebar-benarnya yang didownload dari website ;
Surat Pernyataan yang menyatakan bahwa ( didownload dari website) :
Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat sebagai pekerja/ pegawai dari intansi pemerintah maupun suwasta;
Tidak pernah dihukum penjara berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan;
Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah kerja perusahaan;
Melamar posisi sesuai dengan ijasah pendidikan yang persyaratkan.
Pelamar yang menunjukkan dokumen yang berbeda dengan data yang dimasukan pada saat registrasi on-line , dinyatakan gugur dan tidak dapat mengikuti seleksi tahap selanjutnya.
(Jakarta, 04 April 2009 - Panitia Rekrutmen & Seleksi)
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
02 April 2009
Lowongan Wise Concetti Ltd
Wise Concetti Ltd.
Posisi : Junior Linguists
Batas Pengiriman : 15 April 2009
Company Description
WISE-CONCETTI JVC. is a joint-venture company between WISE SERTECH, Inc. (, one of the leading localization service providers in Korea, and the CONCETTI group (), one of the top 3 Vietnamese total consulting service providers in management consulting and technology transfer & investment consulting.
Urgently Required:
Now we are looking for a dynamic and highly motivated people to be a part of our team for our new representative office in Jakarta. Our working environment offers opportunities for people to grow and develop, enabling you to thrive and achieve your maximum potential in some following positions:
Indonesia, Jakarta
Junior Linguists (JTR)
The Linguist translates source texts into the target language (English into Indonesian vice versa, usually mother-tongue language) and adapts the texts to meet local requirements. Tasks include editing, proofing and fixing final layout after Desk-Top publishing until the text meets set quality standards. The job involves communicating with end-user clients and internal and external teams on scope, quality, process, problem solving and status reporting.
•Translating, editing and proofreading from English into Bahasa Indonesia vice versa.
•His/her project related to the schedule, budget and quality. So he/she will deliver the deliverable to clients with quality in time.
•Should be able to express a source language in the target language appropriately. Those who majored in corresponding industries and those with experience are preferred
•Providing technical and linguistic support to partner companies and freelancers, assuring the quality of their translations as well as file analysis, scheduling and planning of localization projects.
•Maintaining file management and glossary management after project management
•Arranging translation of large volumes of material and ensuring strict deadlines are met.
•Review the texts in line with the client’s guidelines and as such you will be responsible for quality assurance, consistency and terminology management.
•Responsibility for the profitability of these accounts so you must be commercially aware, with exacting standards, strong linguistic methodology, strong account management skills and good attention to detail.
•To keep strictly confidential all Confidential Information of the Client and not to use it in any way whatsoever save as may be necessary for the provision of the Services
Required Qualifications:
•BA of English and IT experiences is mandatory
•BA or MA in computer science or in English language countries is preferred.
•Experienced in translating texts from English into Bahasa Indonesia vice versa, as well as editing and proofreading experience for minimum 1 years
•Fluency in reading, written and oral capability of English and Indonesian
•Translation skills and methodologies
•Terminology management and research skills
•Excellent computer skills – working knowledge of several applications, platforms, hardware and internet technologies
•Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
•Detailed and service minded, and aware in cultural issues
•Ability to self-manage – time, schedules, multiple task activity requirements
•Ability to work under continual deadline constraints and a keen eye for detail
•Ability to use various localization tools like Trados, Catalyst, Hellium, Locstudio, is preferred
•Ability to work well with others
•Willing to be located in Jakarta
Salary plus allowances, incentive, medical, insurance.
We will offer a unique opportunity for career development, outstanding benefits package, training and a great working environment that supports your development and recognizes your achievement.
Please submit your completed resume or curriculum vitae, contact number not more than 2 (two) weeks after this advertisement, fresh graduate are welcomed to apply. Please indicate the position code in the subject of your email to:
Wise Concetti Ltd.
Menara Prima
2nd Floor – Unit J
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Blok 6.2
Kawasan Mega Kuningan
Kuningan Timur, Setiabudi
Jakarta Selatan 12950
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
Posisi : Junior Linguists
Batas Pengiriman : 15 April 2009
Company Description
WISE-CONCETTI JVC. is a joint-venture company between WISE SERTECH, Inc. (, one of the leading localization service providers in Korea, and the CONCETTI group (), one of the top 3 Vietnamese total consulting service providers in management consulting and technology transfer & investment consulting.
Urgently Required:
Now we are looking for a dynamic and highly motivated people to be a part of our team for our new representative office in Jakarta. Our working environment offers opportunities for people to grow and develop, enabling you to thrive and achieve your maximum potential in some following positions:
Indonesia, Jakarta
Junior Linguists (JTR)
The Linguist translates source texts into the target language (English into Indonesian vice versa, usually mother-tongue language) and adapts the texts to meet local requirements. Tasks include editing, proofing and fixing final layout after Desk-Top publishing until the text meets set quality standards. The job involves communicating with end-user clients and internal and external teams on scope, quality, process, problem solving and status reporting.
•Translating, editing and proofreading from English into Bahasa Indonesia vice versa.
•His/her project related to the schedule, budget and quality. So he/she will deliver the deliverable to clients with quality in time.
•Should be able to express a source language in the target language appropriately. Those who majored in corresponding industries and those with experience are preferred
•Providing technical and linguistic support to partner companies and freelancers, assuring the quality of their translations as well as file analysis, scheduling and planning of localization projects.
•Maintaining file management and glossary management after project management
•Arranging translation of large volumes of material and ensuring strict deadlines are met.
•Review the texts in line with the client’s guidelines and as such you will be responsible for quality assurance, consistency and terminology management.
•Responsibility for the profitability of these accounts so you must be commercially aware, with exacting standards, strong linguistic methodology, strong account management skills and good attention to detail.
•To keep strictly confidential all Confidential Information of the Client and not to use it in any way whatsoever save as may be necessary for the provision of the Services
Required Qualifications:
•BA of English and IT experiences is mandatory
•BA or MA in computer science or in English language countries is preferred.
•Experienced in translating texts from English into Bahasa Indonesia vice versa, as well as editing and proofreading experience for minimum 1 years
•Fluency in reading, written and oral capability of English and Indonesian
•Translation skills and methodologies
•Terminology management and research skills
•Excellent computer skills – working knowledge of several applications, platforms, hardware and internet technologies
•Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
•Detailed and service minded, and aware in cultural issues
•Ability to self-manage – time, schedules, multiple task activity requirements
•Ability to work under continual deadline constraints and a keen eye for detail
•Ability to use various localization tools like Trados, Catalyst, Hellium, Locstudio, is preferred
•Ability to work well with others
•Willing to be located in Jakarta
Salary plus allowances, incentive, medical, insurance.
We will offer a unique opportunity for career development, outstanding benefits package, training and a great working environment that supports your development and recognizes your achievement.
Please submit your completed resume or curriculum vitae, contact number not more than 2 (two) weeks after this advertisement, fresh graduate are welcomed to apply. Please indicate the position code in the subject of your email to:
Wise Concetti Ltd.
Menara Prima
2nd Floor – Unit J
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Blok 6.2
Kawasan Mega Kuningan
Kuningan Timur, Setiabudi
Jakarta Selatan 12950
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
Lowongan PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia
PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia
Posisi : Graduate Trainee Program
Batas Pengiriman : 9 April 2009
Keterangan : If you have the ambition to succeed are looking for an opportunity to build upon your strengths and meet challenges that really stretch you, then join Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia in our
Graduate Trainee Program
You will embark on a 12 months development program that will equip you with the professional and leadership capabilities you need to succeed in a major Fast Moving Consumer Goods multinational business. If you can excel throughout this challenging process, you will assume higher responsibilities as a leader within our business and enjoy an attractive remuneration package.
Minimum requirements to apply:
- Master Degree from reputable university, or Bachelor degree with maximum 1 year of working experience
- GPA / IPK minimum 3.00
- Active in extra curricular activities
- Fluent in oral and written English
- Possess drive, ambition, and determination
- Willing to travel, mobile and ready for assignment all around Indonesia.
If you think you have what it takes and have the passion to be part of our team, visit our website at You will need to download and complete the GTP application form, and send along with your CV indicating CCBI GTP 2009 in the email subject to
Only qualified candidates will be notified.
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
Posisi : Graduate Trainee Program
Batas Pengiriman : 9 April 2009
Keterangan : If you have the ambition to succeed are looking for an opportunity to build upon your strengths and meet challenges that really stretch you, then join Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia in our
Graduate Trainee Program
You will embark on a 12 months development program that will equip you with the professional and leadership capabilities you need to succeed in a major Fast Moving Consumer Goods multinational business. If you can excel throughout this challenging process, you will assume higher responsibilities as a leader within our business and enjoy an attractive remuneration package.
Minimum requirements to apply:
- Master Degree from reputable university, or Bachelor degree with maximum 1 year of working experience
- GPA / IPK minimum 3.00
- Active in extra curricular activities
- Fluent in oral and written English
- Possess drive, ambition, and determination
- Willing to travel, mobile and ready for assignment all around Indonesia.
If you think you have what it takes and have the passion to be part of our team, visit our website at You will need to download and complete the GTP application form, and send along with your CV indicating CCBI GTP 2009 in the email subject to
Only qualified candidates will be notified.
Lowongan Kerja dan Bisnis Internet
Postingan (Atom)